Mental Health Connections
PROGRAM NAME: Consumer/Survivor Program
Primary Need: Employment, Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Description: A vocational program offers consumers an opportunity to receive employment by providing peer support to others. Peer group discussions are held on a variety of interesting and relevant topics. There are weekly Men’s and Women’s groups led by peers. The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a seven-week program for people interested in taking charge of their wellness recovery to enhance the quality of their own lives. Numerous programs are led by consumers in a peer environment, including a dependency group, recreational activities and other peer discussions.
Languages: English
Contact: 519-256-4854
Areas Served: Windsor
Address: 370 Erie Street W, Windsor, ON
Age Served: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Genders Served: Female, Male, Undisclosed
Target Population: Adults, Groups, Individuals, LGBT, Youth
Days of Operation: Mon - Fri
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Referral: Referrals may come from psychiatrist, hospitals, community health organizations, other community organizations, family or self-referrals.
Fees: None
Handicap Accessibility: Fully Accessible
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