Learning Disabilities Association of Windsor - Essex County
PROGRAM NAME: Employment Supports
Website: www.ldawe.ca
Primary Need: Advocacy/Support, Employment, Low-Income Support
Description: Depending on the needs of the individual with learning disabilities or ADHD, a facilitator can help the individual write a resume and cover letter, assist with a job search, and assist in filling out application forms. Once employment is obtained, a facilitator can provide job coaching, help the individual explain accommodation needs to the employer, help fill out forms, and have meetings with the employer.
Languages: English
Contact: 519-252-7889
Areas Served: Amherstburg, Belle River, Essex, Harrow, Kingsville, Lakeshore, LaSalle, Leamington, Windsor
Address: 647 Ouellette Ave, Suite 101, Windsor, Ontario N9A 4J4
Age Served: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, All
Genders Served: All, Female, Male, Undisclosed
Target Population: Adults, Individuals, Youth
Days of Operation: Monday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Office Hours: 9:00am to 4:30pm
Referral: Self-referrals accepted
Restrictions: Must meet ODSP - Employment Supports Program eligibility criteria
Fees: none
Handicap Accessibility: Fully accessible
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