Mental Health Connections

PROGRAM NAME: Psychosocial Rehabilitation


Primary Need: Mental Health

Description: Services are provided to Windsor-Essex County adults with a serious mental illness as strategies for recovery during their recovery process. In order to maximize their potential, clients can access a variety of social, recreational, educational, vocational and peer support – both on site and in the community. An outreach program is offered in the Leamington area. Family support and education is also offered to caregivers who have family members suffering with a mental illness. Model of services is psychosocial rehabilitation, recovery, peer support, family support and education. Average length of stay is limitless; however, goal of the organization is to reduce hospitalization through the use of recovery strategies and integrate individuals back into the community.

Languages: English

Contact: 519-256-4854

Areas Served: Leamington, Windsor

Address: 370 Erie Street W, Windsor, ON

Age Served: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Genders Served: Female, Male, Undisclosed

Target Population: Adults, Groups, Individuals, LGBT, Youth

Days of Operation: Mon - Fri

Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Referral: An intake process is required which may take two to three weeks, as all clients must have confirmation of a mental illness for psychiatrist of physician. If client has not received a diagnosis, he/she will be referred to an appropriate service to be diagnosed before entering the program.

Restrictions: Medical diagnosis of a serious mental illness.

Fees: None

Handicap Accessibility: Fully Accessible

Additional Notes: Leamington supports on hold

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